
Основные форумы

Общий музыкальный
Обсуждение новостей в музыкальном и клубном мире
Трек попал к другому исполнителю 6
Работа, услуги, сотрудничество
Вакансии, совместная работа, поиск вокалистов
Для вокалистов) 1
Поиск музыки
Ищите названия неизвестных вам треков или музыку для своих миксов и радиошоу
Помогите найти трек, есть только пара слов 1
Разные полезные ресурсы
Old's Cool House Music of 2000's 2


Всё, что связано с техникой
Посторонний звук СDX900NXS
Всё, что связано с музыкальным софтом
подскажите плагин для такого голоса 12
Оборудование, сэмплы, софт
Активный комплект звука NEXT 14 kw (Москва)
Обсуждение лейблов, предложения от лейблов к музыкантам
More170 - независимый Drum & Bass лейбл. 1
Миксы, лайвы, треки
Обсуждение вашего творчества
Aurum Silver - Crazy Life [Electro House, Electro Progressive]


Обсуждение сайта
оптимальные размеры фото для полного отображения в мессенджерах 5


Всё, что не вошло в предыдущие разделы
А Сатуратор? Тоже улучшайзер? Или важный компонент в Ваших произведениях 7

General rules for all forums

Dirty language, flood, spam, senseless posts, excessive use of smiles, rudeness, racism, conflict provoking, and any kind of copyright and other laws violation is forbidden.

Threads like "Send your tunes here" will be deleted. Please send your track requests directly to authors.

Main Forums

There are only common musical subjects are being discussed in «Musical» section. Do not publish any tracks or mixes here, there is a special section called «Mixes and tracks» for that. If you are looking for specific tracks please use the «Music search» section. You can also create a thread there if you are looking for music material for your podcast or radio show.

Interesting jobs from the scope of the club, as well as musicians and vocalists for your new works can be found in a special section «Jobs, services, cooperation».

Found an interesting link and can't wait to share it? Please use the «Links section». Advertising websites with questionable content (lie porno, fishing sites etc) will be punished.


In the «Hardware» section you can talk about any electonic devices and the «Software» section is made for discussing software only, please don't mess them up. Any pirate software related topics will be deleted and their authors will be banned.

For those who need to sell or buy something there is a section called «Market». Please don't forget that PROMODJ is a musical site so please don't sell any unrelated items here.

For those labels that are looking for young talents we have created a special section called «Labels». We advice all the producers to check this one at least occasionally because there is a chance you will find a nice offer for yourself here.

Want to share your fresh beats with people? Then you will find the «Mixes and tracks» section useful. But only PROMODJ links are allowed here.


You can discuss our website, criticize it, share your ideas and thanks at «PROMODJ» section.


For those who still haven't found a useful section we've made the «Flame». Talk about everything but don't forget about the forum rules.

Forum administrators are entitled to edit and delete any posts, change the forum rules without any special announcements, ban users without explaining reasons. Discussing administrator's actions is forbidden.


Forum manager — Andy Stock